And all at once Summer collapsed into Fall…

Fall is a striking change of the seasons and, like it, our life has seasons that can bring striking change. Sometimes change is hard, but like an amazing quote says, “Fall is proof that change is beautiful.” There are times change is hard for me to handle, especially if I’m not in the best head space. Then there are times I handle change like a champ, usually when I’m being productive and am not a hot mess.

No matter what we need to embrace change as it comes and see the blessings that are here and prepare for the ones coming our way. I am so grateful that Fall brings such gorgeous colors to see and crisp weather to feel; while enjoying it all, it helps to inhale the coming future and exhale the lived past.

With how 2020 has been we are all living through a similar change, a change that is full of unknown and uncertainty – but we’ve made it this far into 2020, we can’t give up hope now! Have courage, be kind, stay strong, embrace?c h a n g e?and most of all…..enjoy Fall.